You Have Purpose

May 30, 2024    Trevor Hersey

If you ever find yourself thinking deeply about your existence, asking the questions, "do I have purpose?" or "do I have calling?" then take a moment to consider this message: it is directly for you. It's in these moments of that the words from Romans 8:28 resonate with us, offering not only comfort but also a sense of direction. This particular scripture communicates with powerful clarity that we are indeed intertwined with a greater plan.

Then the teachings of Jesus reinforce this understanding. When Jesus tells us that we are the salt and light of the world, He is emphasizing our intrinsic value and inherent responsibility. He is making it evident that we were created not just to exist passively, but to actively engage in good deeds – to make a tangible difference in the world around us. These deeds can manifest in countless ways, ranging from small, everyday acts of kindness to grand, life-changing initiatives.

It's through this dual revelation – both from Paul's epistle and the words of Jesus – that the answer becomes crystal clear. We do have purpose, and we do have a calling. It's etched into the very fabric of our being and manifested through the lives we lead and the impact we have on others. So, whenever you find yourself wrestling with these questions, remember that your existence has deep significance, and your actions carry the potential to do something truly extraordinary.

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