The Art of Communication | Breakfast at Mom's

Mar 22, 2024

Welcome to your supportive online community of women. We connect and empower one another through shared experiences in a safe space to learn and grow.

In this episode, we hear from Mom (Sandra), her daughters Candace and Alyssa, and daughters-in-love Brooks and Felisha as they discuss the art of communication.

This week, we ask:

Is it okay for conversations between you & your spouse to become stale or stagnant? How do you then turn that around?

How do you communicate when you’re upset?

How do you healthily argue with your spouse?

How do you balance the need to be right while remaining on the same team as your partner?

How can we honor & respect our spouses in how we treat, talk to, & communicate with them?

Book Mentioned: “Personality Plus” by Florence Littauer

Grab your cup, ladies, and let's spill some tea!

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Additionally, the podcast also offers Mom’s weekly devotional, which you can find at
